
Mastering Regex in Ansible: Search, Extract, and Replace

Regular Expression A regular expression (regex) is a character pattern describing a set of strings.

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Decrypt an Ansible Vault - ansible vault

How to decrypt an Ansible Vault? From an encrypted file to plaintext using the correct password.

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Use Ansible Vault in Ansbile Playbook - ansible vault

How to use an Ansible Vault in an Ansible Playbook? How to use an Ansible Vault to Protect Sensitive Data such as passwords, access keys, etc.

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Ansible terminology - What is an Ansible Vault?

Ansible terminology - What is an Ansible Vault? How to store variables and files in an encrypted way using the ansible-vault command line utility.

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Mastering Ansible Command: Ad-Hoc Tasks and System Management

What does the ansible command? I’m going to show you a live Playbook.

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Ansible terminology - What is an Ansible Playbook?

What is an Ansible Playbook? I will show you a live Playbook with some simple Ansible code.

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Ansible troubleshooting - VMware Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi

Ansible troubleshooting - VMware Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi Today we’re going to talk about Ansible troubleshooting, specifically about the “Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi API, [Errno -2] Name or service not known” message and enable Ansible For VMware.

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Deploy Kubernetes Resources with Ansible Playbook

How to Apply Multiple Yaml Files at Once on Kubernetes K8s or OpenShift OCP with Ansible?

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Assign Memory to Kubernetes Pods with Ansible

How to Assign Memory Resources to Kubernetes K8s or OpenShift OCP Containers and Pods with Ansible?

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Optimize Kubernetes CPU Resources with Ansible Playbooks

How to Assign CPU Resources to Kubernetes (K8s) or OpenShift (OCP) Containers and Pods with Ansible Welcome to another episode of Ansible Pilot!

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