system administration

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for SysAdmins Book by Luca Berton & Jerome Gotangco

🚀 Announcing “Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for SysAdmins” Buy on Amazon Buy on BPB I’m excited to announce the release of “Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for SysAdmins”, co-authored with Jerome Gotangco!

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Mastering Nested Lists in Ansible Playbooks: A Practical Guide

Introduction Ansible’s flexibility in automation often involves handling intricate data structures.

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Automating depmod with Ansible

Automating depmod Command with Ansible The depmod command in Linux is critical for generating module dependency information, stored in /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/modules.

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Managing Compliance Drift with Ansible: A Guide to Ensuring Configuration Consistency

Managing Compliance Drift with Ansible In the fast-paced world of IT operations, maintaining configuration compliance is essential for securing systems and ensuring operational efficiency.

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Troubleshooting: Configure User Quotas on Ansible Managed Systems

Troubleshooting: Configure User Quotas on Ansible Managed Systems Learn how to resolve the common error related to user quota configuration using Ansible.

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Troubleshooting: Configure User Quotas on XFS File Systems Using Ansible

Troubleshooting: Configure User Quotas on XFS File Systems Using Ansible Learn how to resolve the common error related to user quota configuration on XFS file systems with Ansible.

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Ansible-Lint in Air-Gapped Environments: Offline Setup Guide

Using Ansible-Lint in Air-Gapped Environments: Best Practices and Troubleshooting When managing infrastructure in air-gapped environments—where systems are isolated from the internet for security purposes—teams often encounter challenges related to software dependencies that require online access.

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Setting Up Neo4j GenAI Environment on Fedora Using Ansible

Setting Up a Neo4j GenAI Environment on Fedora In this article, we will walk through the steps to set up a Neo4j GenAI Python environment on a Fedora system using Ansible automation.

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JSON Data Search with Ansible

Introduction Ansible is a powerful tool used for automation and configuration management.

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Coursera Back-End Infrastructure: Servers, Secure APIs and Data

Back-End Infrastructure: Servers, Secure APIs and Data on Coursera What you’ll learn Evaluate the integral role of data protection in securing back-end infrastructure and APIs.

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Ansible Development: A Comprehensive Guide

Ansible Development: A Comprehensive Guide Ansible is an open-source automation tool developed by Red Hat that enables IT professionals to automate tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.

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Ansible Troubleshooting SSH Connection Issues

Error Overview When running an Ansible playbook, you may encounter the following error message:

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Ansible Troubleshooting Installation Issues on macOS and Python

Introduction Ansible is a powerful automation tool used by IT professionals to manage and configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero-downtime rolling updates.

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Learn Ansible book technical review by Luca Berton

Introduction Learn how to write and run Ansible Playbooks, from the basics to launching complex multi-tier applications across public cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

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Ansible 2.17.0-rc1: Elevating Automation with ‘Gallows Pole’

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of IT, efficiency and security are not just aspirations but necessities.

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How to Install Ansible on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat

Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of IT infrastructure management, Ansible emerges as a beacon of efficiency and simplicity.

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Automating File Extension Validation with Ansible

Introduction In the age of automation, managing file integrity across diverse environments is crucial for ensuring data consistency and security.

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Ansible Debugger

Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of information technology, automation stands out as a beacon of efficiency, offering a promising avenue to streamline processes, enhance security, and elevate overall productivity.

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How to Upgrade Kubelet in Kubernetes: A Complete Guide

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of container orchestration, Kubernetes has established itself as a front-runner, offering unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and management features.

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Ubuntu Resolving apt dpkg Lock Errors

Introduction In the Linux world, package management is a routine yet crucial task, performed efficiently by tools such as apt and dpkg.

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Luca Berton presents the Latest Book at the London Book Fair 2024, "Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform"

In the vibrant, buzzing halls of the London Book Fair 2024, amidst the myriad of literary and technological marvels, one name stood out with a particularly resonant buzz: Luca Berton.

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Mastering Time in Ansible: An Introduction to the now() Function

Introduction In the realm of IT automation, timing and scheduling tasks are crucial for managing systems efficiently.

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Automating Dynamic Time Date Facts with Ansible

Introduction In the realm of automation and infrastructure management, Ansible stands out for its simplicity and power, enabling IT professionals to automate a wide array of tasks efficiently.

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Mastering CPU Scheduling with chrt Command

Introduction In the realm of system administration, mastering the intricacies of CPU scheduling and resource management is akin to possessing a secret code that unlocks enhanced system efficiency and performance.

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Optimizing Linux with chrt Mastering Process Scheduling

Introduction The chrt command in Linux is a powerful tool designed for manipulating the real-time attributes of a process.

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