
Ansible troubleshooting - VMware Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi

Ansible troubleshooting - VMware Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi Today we’re going to talk about Ansible troubleshooting, specifically about the “Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi API, [Errno -2] Name or service not known” message and enable Ansible For VMware.

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Ansible troubleshooting - VMware Failed to Import PyVmomi

Ansible troubleshooting — VMware Failed to Import PyVmomi Today we’re going to talk about Ansible troubleshooting, specifically about the “Failed to import the required Python library (PyVmomi)” message and enable Ansible For VMware.

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Configuring Ansible for VMware: Complete Setup Guide & Playbook

How to configure Ansible for VMware? Ansible provides various modules to manage VMware infrastructure, which includes data center, cluster, host system, and virtual machine.

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Filter A List By Its Attributes - Ansible selectattr filter

How to Filter A List By Its Attributes in an Ansible Playbook?

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How to Run Only One Task in Ansible Playbook? - Ansible tags statement

How to run only one task in an Ansible Playbook? I’m going to show you a live Playbook with some simple Ansible code.

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Three options to Safely Limit Ansible Playbooks Execution to a Single Machine

Three options to Safely Limit Ansible Playbooks Execution to a Single Machine.

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Configuring Windows Hosts for Ansible: Step-by-Step Guide

How to configure a Windows Host for Ansible? I’ll show you step by step on a freshly installed machine how to configure a “basic” authentication, use a Local Accounts for authentication and successfully execute a simple “win_ping” Ansible Playbook.

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Break Strings Across Lines in YAML and Ansible

How to Break a string over multiple lines with Ansible? And in general with YAML language.

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