
Filtering Data in Ansible: selectattr and map(attribute)

🎯 Filtering Data in Ansible: selectattr and map(attribute) When working with lists of dictionaries in Ansible, filtering and extracting specific values is a common requirement.

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Adding Commas Between Elements in Jinja2

Introduction Creating a comma-separated list is a common task in templating, but ensuring no trailing comma appears after the last element can be tricky.

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Advanced Ansible Techniques: Leveraging Jinja2 Filters for Smart Data Transformations

Advanced Ansible and Jinja2 Ansible’s power lies in its ability to handle complex data structures with minimal code.

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Transforming JSON Data with Ansible and Jinja2

Introduction In the world of IT automation, JSON data manipulation is a common task.

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Dynamic Data Construction in Ansible: Managing Users and Groups

Dynamically constructing and managing data structures is a crucial skill in Ansible automation, especially for tasks that require flexible and reusable configurations.

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Generate Clean YAML Output from Ansible Facts

Ansible is a powerful tool for automating tasks, but when working with dynamically generated data, such as Ansible facts, it can sometimes be tricky to produce clean, well-formatted output.

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Ansible Troubleshooting Installation Issues on macOS and Python

Introduction Ansible is a powerful automation tool used by IT professionals to manage and configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero-downtime rolling updates.

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Mastering Time in Ansible: An Introduction to the now() Function

Introduction In the realm of IT automation, timing and scheduling tasks are crucial for managing systems efficiently.

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Ansible Troubleshooting: Fix Jinja2 Syntax & Inventory Errors

Introduction In the world of IT automation with Ansible, encountering errors during playbook execution is a common hurdle for many practitioners.

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