Ansible playbooks are essential for defining automation workflows, and storing them in an organized and accessible manner is critical for efficient operations. This article explores where playbooks are typically stored, best practices for directory organization, and tips for effective management.

Where Are Ansible Playbooks Stored?

Ansible playbooks are YAML files that can be stored anywhere in the filesystem, as long as they are accessible to the Ansible control node. There is no mandatory default location, but best practices suggest using a structured directory layout.

Typical Locations for Playbooks

  1. Project-Specific Directories: Playbooks are often stored in project directories for better organization:

  2. Centralized Repository: Teams may use a shared repository or version-controlled directory:

  3. Role-Based Directories: When using roles, playbooks are stored alongside roles for modularity:


Verifying Playbook Location

When running a playbook, specify its path:

ansible-playbook /path/to/playbook.yml

Organizing playbooks and associated files is crucial for scalability and maintainability. Below is a common directory structure:

├── playbooks/
│   ├── site.yml          # Entry point for playbooks
│   ├── webservers.yml    # Playbook for web servers
│   └── dbservers.yml     # Playbook for database servers
├── inventory/
│   ├── production        # Production inventory
│   └── staging           # Staging inventory
├── group_vars/
│   ├── all.yml           # Variables for all groups
│   └── webservers.yml    # Variables for web servers
├── host_vars/
│   ├── host1.yml         # Variables for host1
│   └── host2.yml         # Variables for host2
├── roles/
│   ├── webserver/        # Role for web server setup
│   │   └── tasks/
│   │       └── main.yml
│   └── database/         # Role for database setup
│       └── tasks/
│           └── main.yml
├── files/                # Static files
├── templates/            # Jinja2 templates
└── ansible.cfg           # Configuration file

Key Components:

  • Playbooks: Store the primary YAML files defining tasks.
  • Inventory: Define target systems and groupings.
  • Group/Host Variables: Organize variables for groups or individual hosts.
  • Roles: Modularize tasks into reusable components.

Best Practices for Storing Playbooks

  1. Use Version Control: Store playbooks in a Git repository to track changes and collaborate effectively.

  2. Follow Consistent Naming: Use descriptive names for playbooks to indicate their purpose, e.g., deploy_app.yml.

  3. Isolate Environments: Separate playbooks and inventories for production, staging, and development environments.

  4. Leverage Roles: Break down playbooks into roles for modularity and reuse.

  5. Document Directory Structure: Provide a README file in the project directory to explain the organization.


Ansible playbooks can be stored anywhere, but using a structured directory layout ensures scalability, maintainability, and collaboration. By adhering to best practices, you can streamline your automation workflows and manage playbooks effectively.

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