How to Remove a local group on Windows-like systems with Ansible?
I’m going to show you a live Playbook with some simple Ansible code. I’m Luca Berton and welcome to today’s episode of Ansible Pilot.
Note: Be very careful about typing the right group name because the delete operation is irreversible!
Ansible Remove a group on Windows-like systems
- Add or remove groups
Today we’re talking about Ansible module win_group
The full name is
, which means that is part of the collection of modules specialized to interact with Windows target host.
It’s a module pretty stable and out for years.
It works in Windows and Windows Server operating systems.
It adds and removes local groups.
For Linux target use the group
module instead.
- name string - group name
- state string - present/absent
- description string - description of the group
The only required is “name”, which is the group name. The “state” parameter allows us to remove or delete a group, in our use case we need to specify “absent” to remove a group. The “description” parameter allows you to specify a description of the group, it’s not necessary in this use case.

How to remove a local group on Windows-like systems with Ansible Playbook.
I’m going to show you how to automate the deletion of the “accounting” group on my Playbook Windows machine.
- name: windows group remove
hosts: all
grp_name: 'accounting'
- name: remove group
name: "{{ grp_name }}"
state: absent
ansible-pilot $ ansible-playbook -i virtualmachines/win/inventory windows/group_remove.yml
PLAY [windows group remove] ***********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************
ok: [WindowsServer]
TASK [remove group] *******************************************************************************
changed: [WindowsServer]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************
WindowsServer : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
ansible-pilot $
ansible-pilot $ ansible-playbook -i virtualmachines/win/inventory windows/group_remove.yml
PLAY [windows group remove] ***********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************
ok: [WindowsServer]
TASK [remove group] *******************************************************************************
ok: [WindowsServer]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************
WindowsServer : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
ansible-pilot $
before execution
after execution
Now you know how to remove a local group on Windows-like systems with Ansible. Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Medium, and Website, X (formerly Twitter) to not miss the next episode of the Ansible Pilot.
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