
Ansible’s flexibility in automation often involves handling intricate data structures. Nested lists, a common scenario, can pose challenges for efficient processing in playbooks. In this guide, we’ll explore how to manipulate and optimize nested lists in Ansible, leveraging powerful filters like flatten and unique to simplify workflows.

The Challenge: Nested Lists

Imagine this scenario: you have a data structure like the one below that needs processing:

        { name: "foo" },
        { name: "bar" }
        { name: "baz" },
        { name: "qux" }
        { name: "quux" }

The structure has nested lists, empty elements, and requires transformation into a single, flat list for further tasks. Our goal:

  • Flatten the structure.
  • Remove unnecessary empty elements.
  • Ensure the integrity of the data for seamless automation.

Solution: Flatten and Optimize Lists

Ansible’s flatten filter is your go-to tool for collapsing nested structures into manageable lists. Let’s see it in action.

Playbook Example

- name: Flatten and optimize nested lists
  hosts: localhost
            { name: "foo" },
            { name: "bar" }
            { name: "baz" },
            { name: "qux" }
            { name: "quux" }
    - name: Flatten the nested list
        optimized_list: "{{ input_data.list | flatten }}"

    - name: Display the optimized list
        msg: "Optimized List: {{ optimized_list }}"


The playbook will transform the list into:

  { name: "foo" },
  { name: "bar" },
  { name: "baz" },
  { name: "qux" },
  { name: "quux" }

Advanced Techniques

Removing Duplicates

In cases where the flattened list contains duplicate entries, apply the unique filter:

optimized_list: "{{ (input_data.list | flatten) | unique }}"

Comparing Lists

To compare two lists and validate their content, use filters like map(attribute='name') and difference. This ensures all elements match between lists.

Use Cases

  1. Dynamic Inventories: Simplify nested inventory data for efficient host management.
  2. Configuration Management: Process structured data for creating configurations.
  3. Data Cleanup: Normalize aggregated data from APIs or external sources.


Mastering nested list handling in Ansible equips you to tackle complex data structures confidently. By using filters like flatten and unique, you can optimize playbooks, streamline workflows, and focus on automation tasks. Start applying these techniques to simplify your automation processes today!

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