🎯 Filtering Data in Ansible: selectattr and map(attribute)

When working with lists of dictionaries in Ansible, filtering and extracting specific values is a common requirement. Jinja2 provides two powerful filters to accomplish this:

  • selectattr → Filters the list based on a condition.
  • map(attribute) → Extracts a specific field from the filtered result.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • ✅ How to filter lists of dictionaries in Ansible using selectattr
  • ✅ How to extract specific values using map(attribute)
  • ✅ How to handle missing values safely using default()

📌 Understanding selectattr and map(attribute)

Before jumping into Ansible playbooks, let’s break down these Jinja2 filters.

selectattr('name', 'equalto', search_name')

  • Filters a list of dictionaries to select only the ones where name == search_name.


  • Extracts the folder field from the filtered result.

Example Syntax

{{ variable | selectattr('name', 'equalto', search_name) | map(attribute='folder') | list }}
  • selectattr filters the list where name equals search_name.
  • map(attribute='folder') extracts only the folder values.
  • list ensures the result is returned as a list.

🔥 Example Use Case


You have a list of users and their home directories (folder). You want to search for a specific user and get their folder path.

Example Data

  - name: alice
    folder: /home/alice
  - name: bob
    folder: /home/bob
  - name: charlie
    folder: /home/charlie

Using selectattr and map(attribute) in Ansible

- name: Search for a name and get its folder
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
      - name: alice
        folder: /home/alice
      - name: bob
        folder: /home/bob
      - name: charlie
        folder: /home/charlie
    search_name: alice
    - name: Get folder for a specific user
        msg: "{{ variable | selectattr('name', 'equalto', search_name) | map(attribute='folder') | list }}"

🎯 Expected Output

When search_name: alice, the output will be:

TASK [Get folder for a specific user] *********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": [

When search_name: bob, the output will be:

TASK [Get folder for a specific user] *********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": [

🔹 Getting a Single Value Instead of a List

By default, the output is a list with one value. If you need only the string value, add .0:

- name: Get a single folder for a user
    msg: "{{ (variable | selectattr('name', 'equalto', search_name) | map(attribute='folder') | list).0 }}"

📌 Expected Output

TASK [Get a single folder for a user] *********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "/home/alice"

🚨 Handling Missing Values Gracefully

If the search_name does not exist in the list, you may encounter an error. To prevent this, use default():

- name: Get folder safely
    msg: "{{ (variable | selectattr('name', 'equalto', search_name) | map(attribute='folder') | list | default(['/not-found'])).0 }}"

📌 Expected Output When search_name is Missing

TASK [Get folder safely] *********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "/not-found"

Summary Table

default(['/not-found'])"/not-found" if no match

🚀 Why Use This Approach?

Filters data dynamically
Extracts only necessary values
Handles missing values safely
Works efficiently with lists of dictionaries

These Jinja2 filters are invaluable when working with structured data in Ansible playbooks!

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