Ansible Pilot

Ansible-Core: The Foundation of Modern IT Automation

Ansible Core The Backbone of Efficient IT Automation

Discover Ansible-Core, the essential foundation of Ansible automation, offering a minimalist yet powerful platform for managing and executing automation tasks.
June 24, 2024
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Ansible-Core is the minimalist, yet powerful, foundation of the Ansible automation ecosystem. It provides the essential command-line tools and the underlying architecture required for running Ansible playbooks and managing automation tasks. This article explores what Ansible-Core is, its features, benefits, and how it fits into the broader Ansible ecosystem.

What is Ansible-Core?

Ansible-Core, formerly known as Ansible-Base in version 2.10, is the fundamental package for Ansible. It includes the core language and runtime required to execute Ansible playbooks and manage automation tasks. Unlike the Ansible community package, which includes a wide range of modules and plugins, Ansible-Core provides only the essential components, allowing users to install additional collections as needed.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Minimalist Design: Ansible-Core focuses on providing only the essential tools and components required for automation. This minimalist design reduces the package’s footprint and allows for more tailored installations.

  2. Flexibility: Users can install only the collections they need, making Ansible-Core highly flexible and adaptable to various environments and use cases.

  3. Command-Line Tools: Ansible-Core includes crucial command-line tools such as ansible-playbook, ansible-doc, and others. These tools are essential for writing, testing, and running Ansible playbooks.

  4. Extensibility: Ansible-Core’s architecture supports extensions through Ansible collections, enabling users to expand its functionality as needed. This makes it suitable for both simple and complex automation tasks.

  5. Stable and Reliable: Maintained by the Ansible Engineering Team, Ansible-Core focuses on stability and reliability, making it ideal for production environments where consistency and dependability are crucial.

Installation and Setup

Installing Ansible-Core is straightforward and can be done using various package managers or the Python package manager pip.

  1. Using pip:

    pip install ansible-core
  2. Using yum on Red Hat-based systems:

    sudo yum install ansible-core
  3. Using apt on Debian-based systems:

    sudo apt-get install ansible-core

Ansible-Core vs. Ansible Community Package

Ansible-Core and the Ansible community package serve different purposes:

Practical Applications

  1. Infrastructure Automation: Use Ansible-Core to automate the provisioning and management of IT infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort.
  2. Application Deployment: Automate the deployment of applications across various environments, streamlining the release process.
  3. Configuration Management: Maintain desired configurations across servers and devices, automatically detecting and correcting configuration drift.
  4. Security Compliance: Ensure systems meet security policies by automating the application of security configurations and generating compliance reports.


Ansible-Core is the bedrock of Ansible automation, providing the essential tools and framework for executing automation tasks efficiently and reliably. Its minimalist approach, combined with the flexibility to add custom collections, makes it a powerful tool for modern IT environments. Whether you’re managing infrastructure, deploying applications, or ensuring compliance, Ansible-Core offers a stable and scalable solution for your automation needs.

For more detailed information on setting up and using Ansible-Core, refer to the official documentation on the Ansible website.

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